Introducing our Automated Payment Phone Line
Pay your rent and Charges using our Automated Payment Line
We’ve added a new automated payment option to our phone line to give you more options and control when you pay your rent and charges.
Fast and Convenient
To use the new automated payment line simply call 03000 120 120 and choose the automated payment option to be connected straightaway
The automated line payment line is simple to use and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Added Peace of Mind
Payments through the automated line are secure and you’ll receive proof of payment afterwards.
The system is easy to use, but if you’re having problems, you’ll be automatically put though to an adviser.
Other Payment Options
We’re adding a new way of paying but we’re not taking any away as all our other payment options will still be available. To view our full range of payment option please visit our page on how to pay your rent and other charges.